Conversational seduction
Conversational seduction

conversational seduction


  • How to know when to stop – most guys will never have a clue about this (and that’s one of the biggest reasons why they fail).
  • The dinner date conversation flow – the definitive ten-step blueprint to talk your way into her heart during a dinner date.
  • The art of small talk – how to maintain conversation flow so that you can avoid the dreaded awkward silence.
  • The Calibrator – know exactly what she’s thinking, and more importantly, if she is starting to like you using these surefire attraction (and “dis-attraction”) signals and body language signs.
  • The art of touching – how to turbo-charge your conversational seduction with physical contact (warning: do this wrong and you’ll risk getting slapped across the face!).
  • conversational seduction

    The Humor Factor – how you can make a woman lower down her defenses… by making her laugh.

    conversational seduction

  • How to nail the “Getting To Know You” phase – list of ten ready-to-use questions that will catch her attention and melt the ice immediately.
  • How to work the crowd like a pro… use this technique to create instant social proof and make her see you as a desired Prize to win over.
  • The correct way to flirt with a woman – so that she develops sexual feelings for you and not see you as a mere “friend”.
  • The correct way to flatter a woman – use these five easy methods to weave flattery into the conversation without sounding like a desperate kiss-ass.
  • How to throw “hints of attraction” towards her and make her respond to you.
  • The lost art of “seductive listening”… and how you could just keep quiet and let a woman talk her way into liking you!.
  • The Insecurity Buster – use this simple mind hack trick that completely annihilates your anxiety around women… forever.
  • Know the best way to make eye contact – a simple way to create instant attraction even before you say a single word.
  • Discover our famous “Pre-ConversationalSeduction ritual” – do these two things even before you talk to a woman and she’ll develop attraction to you even before you say anything to her.
  • Learn how to make meaningful, authentic and seductive conversations… beyond small talk, false pretense and shallow flattery.
  • Fashion & Body Language (Pickup Courses).
  • Today, I’m teaching it to you and you’ll notice big changes right away! So I spent several years not only mastering the art of conversational mastery, but learning how to teach it. I basically covered up my lack of conversational skills by learning canned openers and routines and reciting them to women until I eventually started believing these stories. In this program I explain what happened and how it changed my life. In fact, it took something pretty tramatic and one unlikely person to completely change this. The truth is, I was NEVER a natural at being able to talk to women. In this video, I also reveal a pretty deep dark secret. So I put up this program where I show you how to MASTER the art of conversation. Too many “expert” give you huge books and guides filled with nothing but canned openers and routines.īut I want you to have the ability to come up with your own stories and conversation that keeps women interested and makes them attracted to YOU (not someone elses lame story). I’ve been in the seduction community for a LONG time (like nine years) but for the first few years, I was REALLY uncomfortable with arguably the MOST important aspect of pickup. Well, today, I want to talk to you about something that I can’t stand…and to be honest, it’s something I’ve been guilty of in the past. I speak up both about things I like, and even louder about things I don’t like. It’s no secret that I’m pretty vocal about different things in the pickup community. Sinn – Conversational Mastery Revealed! Jon Sinn’s Top Three Secrets for Having Natural Conversations with HOT Women!


    Sinn – Conversational Mastery Review & Sinn – Conversational Mastery Download

    Conversational seduction